I am training to be a lay Buddhist minister through the Mt. Adams Buddhist Temple and just recently graduated from the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Certification Program with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield. I am certified to teach Forest Bathing, Shinrin Yoku, through the Mt. Adams Buddhist Temple. I wrote a commentary for the Columbia Gorge News you can find here. My meditations can be found on my teacher page on Insight Timer.

Integrity, authenticity, and compassion drive what I do. With a deep respect and reverence for the natural world and my small place within it, I act from my heart with the desire for all beings to be happy and free from fear and suffering.

I work individually and with groups to teach mindfulness meditation and other personal wellness tools. I bring secular and spiritual elements to my teaching, such as Western scientific thought and Buddhist principles. I can adapt my teaching to serve a variety of audiences.  I spent the last five years teaching science and meditation to high school students.

As a working mother, I know first-hand the hardships of parenting, the energetic exhaustion from the grind of daily life, and the perseverance required to wake up each morning with the intention to be your best self once again for your kids and the world.  As a divorcee, I have experienced deep grief and seen my heart heal through love and devotion to nourishing my own spirit and returning to myself.

An entrepreneur at heart, I founded and ran an outdoor science school in the Cascade Mountains. Prior, I served as an Ocean Conservation Program Officer with the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.  I hold an MS and a BS from Stanford University in Earth Systems, an environmental science major. I live in Hood River, Oregon with my two boys, George (8) and Davey (10).